What are Essential Oils?
Both people and pets can benefit from the power of pure essential oils which are proven effective for hundreds of ailments. Each essential oil contains specific benefits to which the body and mind respond. Essential oils are antiseptic and immune system stimulants. They fight viruses, bacteria, fungal organisms, tumors, and more. Essential oils are non-water based phytochemicals made up of volatile aromatic compounds. Although they are fat soluble, pure essential oils do not include fatty lipids or fatty acids, so they are immediately absorbed by the skin.
Essential oils are a vital tool in the healing of physical and emotional conditions for both pets and their owners. Make essential oils a part of your pet’s personal health routine.
Essential oils offer total mind, body, spirit and emotional wellness. With each bottle you are holding the pure essence of Mother Nature’s healing at the cellular level.
When selected carefully and used properly, essential oils can facilitate the release of old habits, empower change, and restore physical and emotional balance.
Essential oils offer complementary therapy to traditional medicine. They do not have any side effects and usually do not interact with other medications your pet may be taking. I recommend only the use of certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils that are tested for purity and potency. Always consult your veterinarian when adding anything new to your pet’s health care regimen.