Move Freely With Age

Move Freely With Age

Arthritis, Stiffness and Pain are Not Necessarily a Part of Getting Older

Many pets slow down as they age.  Yet, sometimes, we mistake signs of arthritis as normal aging.    I have witnessed numerous patients spring back to life once they feel less pain and stiffness despite advanced age.

How do we get our dogs and cats to move happily again with ease?   I prefer a combination approach.   Start with a thorough physical exam and routine blood tests.  If your pet is overweight, reduce his caloric intake.   Since increasing activity may be difficult for pets suffering joint and muscular pain, he may need to lose some weight prior to commencing an exercise routine.  Convert to a high quality or prescription weight loss food, feed two smaller meals daily, and substitute fruits and vegetables for pet snacks and biscuits.   Fruits and vegetables may be fed raw or steamed.  Four fruits and vegetables to avoid are grapes, raisins, onions and garlic.  Eliminate all other table food, if possible.

Once your pet loses some weight, he will begin to show more energy and stability. This is the perfect time to institute an exercise regimen.   Gradually build up the length of playtime, outdoor walks for dogs and overall activity.   You may see a cycle of even greater energy as more weight is shed.

I recommend a pet joint supplement which contains chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine and MSM, such as Cosequin DS for dogs and Cosequin for Cats Sprinkle Caps.  For additional product recommendations, please contact me.  Although some senior pet food formulas contain these ingredients, they are not supplied in sufficient quantities to relieve symptoms in most pets.   Fish oil (omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids) reduces inflammation and supports the immune system.   I recommend products specifically formulated for pets for optimal absorption and minimal to no side effects.  Some examples include Welactin and Rx Vitamins Ultra EFA- both are suitable for dogs and cats.  Ask me for additional reputable products.  (Please refer to the article I have written entitled The Single Most Essential Supplement for your Pet for more information.)

I have had remarkable results reducing signs of arthritis pain and stiffness with topical application of soothing essential oil blend.  This blend of Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Blue Tansy, German Chamomile, Helichrysm, and Osmanthus not only relieves pain but also helps to repair injured tissue.   In addition to Deep Blue, I also like Marjoram, a natural muscle relaxant, lavender and peppermint which offer analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.  For dogs, apply 1-2 drops of Deep Blue and 1-2 drops of lavender to the palms of your hands, and simply pet your dog.  Pet the area of concern or anywhere on your pet’s body 2-4 times daily as needed.   For cats, use equal parts lavender and peppermint and apply once daily.   Pure essential oils will be absorbed into the bloodstream readily, so your pet will benefit even if you do not apply directly to the targeted area(s).

Depending on the severity of your pet’s discomfort and degree of immobility, many veterinarians including myself prescribe oral anti-inflammatory medications and a series of weekly injections (for dogs) to stimulate repair of the cartilage damaged by injury or arthritis.  My goal is to use such medications only when needed and for as little time as possible.    Supplements and natural alternatives can replace or lessen the necessity of traditional medications in many cases.

Together, we can create the best combination of supplements, medications and natural products to foster movement and activity in your elderly or injured pet.

Mia Frezzo, DVM


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